Aubrey jógáját látva tényleg el kell mennünk gyónni

Letiltottad a reklámokat?

Kérlek támogass minket azzal, hogy engedélyezed a reklámokat, vagy az Ad Blokkeredben hozzáadsz minket a kivételek listájához. Ne feledd, a Szexpresszót ingyen nézheted, de nem ingyen készül. Köszönjük!

A jógát korra, nemre és alkatra való tekintet nélkül bárki űzheti, aki szeretné elérni a tökéletes külső-belső harmóniát. Aubrey influencer és jógatanár, és nagy híve a test szabadságának. A Los Angeles -ben tevékenykedő jógatanár az egészséges életmód megszállottja, a jóga szerelmese. Legszívesebben leheverednénk egy jógamatracra szorosan melléjük egy hideg sörrel és máris árad a zen.

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Yesterday sucked. I let Instagram get to me in a way I haven’t in a while. My account doesn’t grow anymore. It’s just stuck. No one sees my stories. I know I shouldn’t care. And other people say theirs doesn’t either but they do grow. I see them grow. Why lie? I don’t get it. And I know I shouldn’t care about other people either. Most days I don’t care about either of those things but yesterday I did. It is what it is. And then I scrolled through my old posts and saw things I used to be able to do and the way my body used to be and it sucked even more. I know people get annoyed with me when I post captions like this but I’m just being honest. Thinking I’m dramatic for caring or selfish because I have a certain number of followers so I shouldn’t want more. And it’s not that I want more, but it’s just weird when your account had grown so fast and then it stops and you wonder what you did wrong. Sorry, it’s just how my brain is some days and that’s how it was yesterday and it sucked because I haven’t felt like that in a long time. Not caring what people think about you doesn’t just happen in a day, a month, a year. It takes time and more time and days like yesterday where you do care and need to be upset about it. It’s not linear, it never is. PC @dimlitesnotwits

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Weak. Lazy. Worthless. Three words I’ve used to describe myself in the past, and most recently this week. Sometimes those feelings are incredibly overwhelming and even harder to deal with when someone else thinks you are those things too. I got stuck in those three words earlier this week and truly believed I was all three, with no path forward to changing them. But yesterday I made the decision to show myself that I am not. I’ve never gotten through a full primary series alone. I always have to have someone doing it with me or be in a class to finish it. If not, I give up easily. I become distracted and weak and choose to quit. Last night I wanted to quit again. I did not want to practice, and when I got on my mat I still didn’t want to. Surya A and B felt like they took an hour. I skipped chair pose because I hate it. I only did vinyasas between each pose vs each side, but I finished primary series alone. For the first time ever. No one else around, no one to compare myself to. I am not weak. Nor lazy. Nor worthless. I may feel that way sometimes, but that doesn’t define me. This was the hardest practice I’ve ever done, and I made it through.

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“Moving out” of my apartment for the next few days for it to be tented for termite fumigation. For the last month, I’ve been dealing with termites eating through the floor in my living room. The first time, I was taking a nap on a Saturday afternoon, and I woke up to termites swarming in the corner near the window and small cat tree. There must have been 300 termites in my apartment. An absolutely horrifying thing to wake up to 😳 Since then, they’ve been consistently eating through my floor every few days (I usually notice the cats focusing on something on the floor, and there are termites coming out of a new hole), they’ve swarmed again, and once I walked in after work to 56, yes I counted, dead termites on the floor. People have come to spray twice clearly with no success, so I finally pressured my landlord into tenting by getting him to come over when the termites were dead on the ground, and he said “let me take a picture for the skeptics” 🙄 Yes it’s a first world problem but it’s honestly been a complete nightmare for me. I really would NEVER wish this upon my worst enemy. Ask anyone who works with me how much stress I’ve been under because of the termites and my landlord. Anyway, I would post a video of them on my story but I don’t want to subject you all to the disgustingness that is termites swarming and coming out of holes in your floor 😂 Thank god for friends who will let you and your cats crash with them for a few days. @kendalmaras is the real MVP 📸 @dimlitesnotwits

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That golden light tho ✨ @beyondyoga

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Anyone else here struggle with self love? 🤷🏻‍♀️ It sounds so easy in practice – love yourself and the rest will follow. Yeah, well in reality it’s not that easy, at least for me. I’m always pointing out the things I don’t like about myself, things I wish I could change or do better. In turn, that creates a reality where I think everyone only sees those things about me as well, and then it feels like there isn’t anything to love about myself. But, the most important relationship we’ll ever have is the one with ourselves, so today I challenge you to make a list of 3 things you absolutely love about yourself, anything at all. Comment them below if you want, so we can all celebrate each other! Here are mine: ✨ My compassion and friendship. I truly believe that I am a good friend. I may not be the best all the time, but to those that matter most, I am always there for a helping hand or words of encouragement. I always try to make my friends feel special and know how important they are to me. ✨ My courage. I don’t always see this in myself, but often times I’m not scared to do the hard things. I mean, I packed up and moved across the country to a brand new city just a few months ago! And I lived in France once too, not knowing any French when I moved! I know when I need change and I’m not afraid to do hard things to foster my growth. ✨ My eyes. It’s cheesy maybe, but I do love them. There was actually a time when all I wanted was brown eyes! But I love the way mine change colors and hold so much of who I am in them. Plus, one even has a freckle! What do you love about yourself? ♥️ PC @derekrliang

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Giving myself (well, technically my right leg) a big, big hug. Self love is the name of the game for me this year 💛 I’ve always been very hard on myself, rarely showing myself love. Even when I accomplish things, all I think about is the next thing I want to do. It’s never good enough. I’m also not great at receiving love from others – probably because I don’t quite know how to show it to myself. It can make me uncomfortable and I have never thought I was deserving of it from anyone. That changes this year. I’m learning how to be kinder to myself, show myself grace, and be proud of my accomplishments. If we can’t show ourselves love, how can we ever expect to receive it from others?

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I want to thank you all for your comments on my post yesterday. Opening up on Instagram helps me open up in real life as well, and I’m so lucky to have such a supportive community to share with. If you have similar feelings, know you aren’t alone. Closing off is something I’ve done my whole life and I’m just now able to recognize when I’m doing it and actively make changes. Talking about it, with one person you feel close to/comfortable with or maybe a therapist, helps so so so much. I am always here too, if you need someone, or maybe a fresh perspective 😌 #RoadToPincha Day 11 – Yogis Choice Hosts: @northernstar_yoga @yogiaubrey @yogawesermarsch @lottasebzdayoga Sponsors: @aloyoga @alo.moves

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"The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it." Thích Nhất Hạnh .. One thing that has been challenging for me is being able to break out of the cycle of only seeing the negative things I'm dealing with, and forgetting to be grateful for all the positive things that are surrounding me as well. Something that has been helping me a lot is becoming more mindful of my thought patterns, both positive and negative. When I realize I am thinking negatively – whether it's about myself or a specific situation I'm in – I try to realize that it's just a thought I'm having, and not necessarily the truth. I take some time to separate the thought from myself. It's a process that is new to me, but has been worthwhile. I've also become more mindful of the positive moments I have throughout the day. When I take the time to realize that not everything around me is or has to be bad all the time – either by meditating, or writing things down, my days are filled with more positivity and fewer nagging thoughts about why I don't deserve happiness. The @mindfreshco course that I'm taking right now has been a huge catalyst in my mindfulness and meditation practice. Through this training, I've started to realize that I can begin to have more control over my state of mind. I'm becoming more familiar with my thoughts and patterns, and I have had more opportunities to notice how my physical body is translating to how I'm feeling emotionally. It has helped me see that the present moment is filled with positive things, but that sometimes we need to be able to really stay in the moment to see, observe and cherish them. #mindfreshmoment

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#JuneBloomYogis 🌻🌱 Tomorrow’s pose for our challenge is leg behind head… but don’t run away just yet! Yes, this is an advanced pose, but there are some amazing prep poses for it that work all the necessary areas of the body (and are awesome poses in their own right!) My favorites are compass, which I’m showing here, and rock/cradle the baby. Compass is a great prep because it works the hamstrings and hips the same way they are opening in leg behind head. If you’re still working on compass, using a strap is a great way to bridge the gap – wrap it around the top foot, and work on sliding your hand closer to your foot. Wearing our amazing sponsor @aloyoga Hosts in posting rotation: @livinleggings @yogi.bree @the_bohemian_introvert @yogiaubrey

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