Va­nessa képeit elnézve, nem biztos, hogy nemet tudnánk neki mondani

Letiltottad a reklámokat?

Kérlek támogass minket azzal, hogy engedélyezed a reklámokat, vagy az Ad Blokkeredben hozzáadsz minket a kivételek listájához. Ne feledd, a Szexpresszót ingyen nézheted, de nem ingyen készül. Köszönjük!

Étrendben is fontos, hogy a megfelelő zsírbevitel mellett sokkal soványabb táplálékot is együnk. Ugyanez jellemző a párkapcsolatokra is. Az ember mindig megkíván mást, hol a zsírosabb, hol a soványabb combok kapják el a figyelmét. A nagyon kiizmosodott hasakra már nem hajtanánk a fejünket, de ha érződnek a feszes vonalak, arra azért nem mondanánk nemet. Persze ezt mindenki saját szájíze szerint dönti el, és nem is feltétlenül kell váltogatni. Kinek a pap, kinek a papné, azonban most egyelőre a papné, vagyis egy sportosabb csaj lesz terítéken.

Vanessa Mejia a bevállalós fotóiról ismert leginkább, a fitneszmodell pedig megint kitett magáért. A szépséges modell még egy egyszerű kérdést is feltett a rajongóinak: szeretnétek a jövőben hasonló képeket látni? Nem meglepő módon az igenek elsöprő többségben voltak… A képeket elnézve látszik, hogy mindene a sport és az egészséges táplálkozás.


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🎀Vanessa Mejia🎀 (@vanessamfit) által megosztott bejegyzés


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🎀Vanessa Mejia🎀 (@vanessamfit) által megosztott bejegyzés


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🎀Vanessa Mejia🎀 (@vanessamfit) által megosztott bejegyzés


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🎀Vanessa Mejia🎀 (@vanessamfit) által megosztott bejegyzés


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🎀Vanessa Mejia🎀 (@vanessamfit) által megosztott bejegyzés


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🎀Vanessa Mejia🎀 (@vanessamfit) által megosztott bejegyzés


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🎀Vanessa Mejia🎀 (@vanessamfit) által megosztott bejegyzés

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💛Cuando el alma se abre al corazón , te vuelves Divino!!!💛 . Tu mente tiene un horizonte infinito♾ . Agradezco cada inhalación y exhalación que llega a mi vida cómo el Don más Preciado🙏🏼 . Este es un tiempo sagrado para escuchar los latidos de tu corazón , encontrar de nuevo el ritmo del equilibrio. Es lo que nos pide el planeta 🌍 es lo que nos pide nuestro cuerpo . . Elevar elevar nuestra frecuencia energética es una prioridad en este momento✨ 🙌🏻 Conectarnos con la fuente de todo lo que es para que la perfección de nuestro ADN 🧬 responda a esta contingencia energética . . 💓Vamos a vibrar en amor . 💫A iluminar esta tribulación planetaria con nuestra paz interior . . 🥗Alcalinizar nuestro medio ambiente interior con alimentos vivos , enzimáticos . Es un tiempo necesario de conexión solidaria entendiendo que somos Uno !!!! . Al miedo lo contrarrestamos con la Mejor medicina : EL AMOR 💕 . Luz azul vibrante envolviendo nuestro planeta en perfección🌎💙 . .Abre las puertas de tu corazón a Dios, entrégate de cuerpo y alma🙏🏼 . .Sonríele a la vida 😄😄😄 . . Photo: @surraca . . #vmfit #despertarespiritual #wakeupcall #amor #love #meditacion #vibrandoenamor #humpday #wednesdaywisdom

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It’s the first day of spring! 🌸🌿✨ Welcome to the season of fresh starts, new beginnings, rebirth, and restoration. ⁠ ⁠ Gentle rains tease new life into dormant grasses and help seeds take root, bringing soft buds and vibrant blooms.💐 Colors spread. Temperatures rise. We awaken to new growth. As nature shakes the dust off, we too find fresh energy in this season of renewal, clearing away energy that no longer serves, making space for new growth. We pull the weeds and plant new seeds. ⁠ ⁠ Here are some tips to help tend to your mental garden:⁠ ⁠ 🌱 Observe: Be present with your thoughts, noticing when they are positive and when they’re negative – without judging. Heightening your awareness of your thinking patterns is something you can do every day.⁠ ⁠ 🙏 Practice gratitude: Every evening take time to notice three things that happened in your day that you are thankful for. Write them down or share with a partner.⁠ ⁠ 🌻 Reframe: Pick an incident or interaction you perceived as negative and change the story to have a positive outcome, perhaps a lesson learned or something good that came from the bad.⁠ ⁠ 💬What is one way you'll spring clean your mental space? Comment below . . Photo: @surraca . . Lingerie: @vmfit_store . . #vmfit #throwbackthursday #spring #freshstart #growthmindset #seasonofrenewal #healthylifestyle

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🌻Wellness is Wealth🌻 . . Wellness transcends just physical fitness, but mental health, and spiritual wellbeing are all interlinked to a well-lived life. You can absolutely become a magnet for wellness. It starts with mindset. Establish a belief that you are worthy of living an extraordinarily healthy and abundant life. That core belief will then guide you towards everything that nurtures your life, that fuels and replenishes your tank. Of course, it’s challenging and your health will periodically fluctuate. Simply acknowledge where you are right now with compassion, and then have the willingness to step courageously in the right direction. Begin to learn, more in depth, about quality foods that sustain your vitality. Grow an appetite for life-affirming information that enhances your mental performance. Adopt spiritual disciplines that will ground you and fill the deepest of hungers within, persistently moving the needle towards wellness. When you invite wellness into every aspect of your daily life, your entire life become radiant, and fuller, and revitalized. This is your invitation to embody your fullest and healthiest self. Today is the day! Onward, good soul!🙏🏼🧡🧠📚🥦✨🕉🌊 • • Accesories: @dank_it_accessories . . Photo: @inline_photography . . #vmfit #spiritualjourney #gratefulheart #healthandwellness #manifestation #positiveaffirmations #wellness #quotesdaily #dailymotivation #dailyaffirmations #womenempowerment #yogainspiration #manifest #intentionalliving #humpdaymotivation

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You want to turn it all around and start seeing some results for a change, then get up and get to work! I know you can put on your workout gear on and hit the pavement or hit the gym! I know you can start the day by eating something lean, green and fresh! I know you can meditate for a few minutes, go for a walk in nature or even go to your yoga class before you get ready for work! Go out there and Dominate the Morning! It’s time to start waking up earlier and giving yourself plenty of time to run through your morning routines and prepare your mind, body and soul for the day ahead. Get the morning the right and the chances are you’re going to get the rest of the day right! So start waking up on your own terms and working on yourself, before you do anything else💪🏼💯 . . Photo: @surraca . For: @heavyweightfactorymodels . . #vmfit #wednesdaymotivation #wednesdaywisdom #humpday #bootybuilding #createyourlife #wellbeing #healthylifestyle #workhardplayhard

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Being ready for change means being open. ⁠ ⁠ 〰️ In order to move forward, to do those things we’ve always dreamed of, to create a life we’re excited about, we have to expand our gaze, to be willing to try and feel new things. We have to stay open. ⁠ ⁠ ⚡ Inviting real change isn’t just about looking for those big breaks. We have to remain open even in those seemingly smaller, daily choices, interactions, and situations. There’s no way of knowing what will be the thing to catalyze transformation in our lives. Therefore, we have to always be ready, staying open to people, places, and experiences, hopeful that they’ll bring us closer to our truest selves🕉 . . 💬 Inspire us: What new growth did you experience by remaining open?⁠ ⁠ . Photo: @interscopephotography . . #vmfit #transformationtuesday #newera #newbeginnings #2020 #mindset #chopra ⁠

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